Sunday, May 9, 2010

Week 16 Number 3 on concept that needs further discussion

The concept I that I thought needs further discussion was Social presence. It “is the perception among participants that the communication medium facilitates the development of social-emotional-relational communication and shared meaning among group members (Harris & Sherblom, 301).” People believe they could find how dedicated the person is towards group communication. It involves the various tasks and discussion that occurs within the medium. Individuals can tell the feelings from the particular person. From a normal meeting, we can find out fellow member’s emotional reactions to certain ideas. If their facial cues show differently than their response, it is obvious that they disapprove the decision. More ideas are exchanged between group members in a face to face meeting.
When communication involves text, it is difficult to find more about other members. It would be hard to tell what they truly think about the discussion topic. One can listen to their voice, but not see their nonverbal expressions. There are instances where you can’t tell if the other person is comfortable, attentive, and relaxed. From reading messages, an individual won’t be able to hear the pitch, volume, or projection of the other’s voice. Most people prefer posting on message boards or blogs because they fear others listening to their speech. There is the sentiment that they enjoy typing more than communicating in real life situations. By talking face to face, an individual will get to know more about other’s mannerisms and understand who they truly are.


  1. I first like to Ari that you view of Social presence. Today’s society is based on social networks and text messages. However, back in the day it was no such thing as a text message which made voice communication popular because people had cellular phones in such. In addition, since technology has evolved and changed phones have such capabilities as text message where people feel comfortable sending messages rather than discussing then over the phone. On the other hand, you made a good point when you said people can really tell a person’s feelings or emotions from a text message. However, there are many ways to show emotion when it comes to text; such things include bold letters, periods, exclamation points etc…Depending on a person’s feeling you can tell when a person is upset or sad, for instance on social networks when a person is rambling and ranting we can understand tell how a person is feeling based on words. In hearing this you can say that you may not get the full experience and understanding from a text than if you spoke to person. This was good topic to discuss made me think about how technology has grown.

  2. I agree with your ideas about meeting face to face. There is so much that you miss out on when you rely on the words in a text message, an email, or a Facebook message. While meeting face to face might not be more productive than CMC, it at least lets you see who you are meeting with, and get to know them as human beings rather than just a texted imprint. I like knowing that someone who I am working in a group with is a real person. Not that I mean any offense to this class, or anything!
