Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Week 16 Discussion 2

How does CMC differ from f2f communication? (Think outside the box).
CMC, which stands for “Computer Mediated Communication”, involves using media like video, audio, and text messages for communication purposes. One can communicate by using technology related objects. Face to face communication is where people talk in a real life setting. A person can understand the content, recognize the vocal tone, gestures, and can see one’s facial expressions. Many people are becoming used to using social networks like facebook, twitter, and My Space. It is a good way to keep up with good friends and classmates, but not conducive in meeting new friends. In a sense, the dialogue between two people is shielded from a computer. They can type anything they want, but the viewer cannot tell if it is what the sender truly meant. For example, the things they type on the computer might not characterize their true selves. As more people become used to text messaging, they might not feel the need to communicate face to face anymore.
Computer Mediated Communication does help when I do not have time to chat with people during the week. It is convenient to ask each other about one’s day via computer. Overall, I prefer face to face communication where I would truly know more about the other person. I like to see how people react or actually respond to things I say. By seeing other’s true emotions, I will get a sense of how they truly feel. From reading lol’s or emoticons, I don’t really enjoy it as much compared to hearing real laughter.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Ari Gold

    I enjoyed reading your post and you gave great brief definitions of CMC and FTF, while still providing your own examples and ideas. I agree with everything you said on here from advantages/disadvantages, to personal experiences. We are in a technological society where people are becoming so used to CMC, that they are lacking skills in the FTF communication settings. I think this is sad because as you mentioned, people are more real when they are in person and FTF whereas online you are not entirely sure if what you see (read) is what you get. We should all learn to have a balance between the two types of communicating formats so that we can be affective at both.

