Sunday, April 18, 2010

Week 13 discussion on Interesting concept

One concept I found interesting was openness. Before, I did not realize openness as a significant factor in creativity. There are some people who feel shy to voice their messages. They fear the negative response they might receive when offering their opinions. Most are unsure how honest they should be in conveying their message. It is possible that other individuals will use the person’s statement and argue against it. The person might also wonder how others will express their true feelings and opinions on certain subjects.
In previous group assignments, I often hold back my opinions in discussions. I usually think about how members will react to particular things I might say. My partners offer great suggestions; therefore, I feel that my thoughts will waste the group’s time. What I should have realized is that group activities give you the opportunity to speak your mind. Others will listen to anything you say if it contributes to group discussion. It is an open forum where anyone can feel free to share their opinions. Eventually, an open group will help in a creative group environment.


  1. You should speak out in your groups. :) If you don't then the group may be passing up your great idea. I agree that openness is important and I see when I'm in my own small groups at school discussing things, that most people feel shy to also speak out. I can say most of the time I am the one who says something first....I try not to be over powering, but ask questions to the group and see what else they see that I don't. Sometimes it just takes one person to break the ice in the group, then everyone else will be willing to be open and say their suggestions.

  2. I have the similar situation as your issue in other communication classes. I understand the openness depends on honest that is the crucial element in group discussion. In last semester, I faced the pressure when I wanted to talk openly for my ideas with the group members because I was afraid of my opinion whether other group members would not accept it. More importantly, speaking English is my second language that is the burden for them to know my opinion during discussion. In order to get rid of my fears and pressure in the group, I consulted with my teacher and let her give me some advices regarding to the openness issue. My teacher said, "This is your responsibility to talk with your group member openly because your opinions may help them to accomplish the task". After consideration, I talked with my group members openly for my ideas for the project. Surprisingly, my ideas have been accepted by most of the members. After this project, I have learnt the openness and honesty are the musts in small group discusson. Don't be shy and break the ice.
